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66-90 Spider portfolio, 100 pgs of articles compiled by Brooklands about Alfa Romeo Spider (78_A_AR6690)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Duetto Spider complete history & evolution 1300 1600 & 1750 2000 Veloce Spider Junior & Restoration 95 pages by G. Madaro 1966-1990 (67_30800A)
$89.95 |
Alfa Romeo Duetto the cars that made history 95 pgs by Madaro 1600 1750 2000 Giulia 1966-1991 Italian language (67_978887911063)
$79.95 |
66-91 Spider Gold Portfolio, 172 pages of articles on Alfa Romeo spiders by Brooklands - OUT OF PRINT (79_A_AR6691GP)
$39.95 |
66-93 Alfa Romeo Spider Guida all-identificazione e al restauro by Alfa Romeo: 144 hardbound pages by C. Rees in ITALIAN Language The restorers guide to 1300, 1600, 1750, and 2000 models 1966-1993 (85_8879114806)
$299.95 |
55-96 Spider history by C. Metcalfe about Alfa Romeo Spider (79781445685977)
$24.95 |
66-94 Alfa Romeo Spider Ultimate Portfolio Specifications road and comparison tests new model introductions updates performance and technical data for Duetto Junior Veloce Quadrifoglio 280 photos 216 pages (80_AR66UP)
$44.95 |
66-94 Original Spider Alfa Romeo 128 hardbound pages by C. Rees The restorers guide to 1300 1600 1750 2000 models 1966-1994 (85_133548AP)
$69.95 |
Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider The Essential Buyers Guide 64 pages by Keith Booker & Jim Talbott (85_140233AE)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Complete Story by Talbot hardcover 192 pages (69781785006494)
$44.95 |
Alfa Romeo Coupes & Spiders in Detail Hardcover by Rees (69781906133863)
$59.95 |
71-05 the Abarths after Carlo Abarth 30 year history of racing cars 404 pages by Limone & Gastaldi (88_After_Abarth)
$89.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider History by David Sparrow & Adrienne Kessel, 128 pgs, from 60's Duetto to the 90's. (OUT OF PRINT) (78_121448AE)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Le Collection by M. Matteucci 71 pgs (65_8879600279)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Gli Anni di Arese Gli uomini, la fabbrica, le automobili 20 interviews with key people from inside the company 1960-2000 Hardocver 140 pages with 296 photos in Italian Language by D. Moriero (80_Alfa_Arese)
$59.95 |
55-96 Spider history by John Tipler, 192 hardbound pgs about Alfa Romeo Spider (82_127230AE)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Osprey Auto History by David Owen 128 pages (72_AROspreyHist)
$59.95 |
50-03 Alfa Romeo le sportive dalla 1900 alla 147 GTA in ITALIAN by Quattroruote (77_00400_98126)
$29.95 |
Alfavelate by G. Salvetti 159 pages detailing the story 16 special cars from the basement of the Alfa Romeo Museum (86_1904788203)
$299.95 |
Pininfarina Sixty Years by Sergio Pininfarina 282 hardbound pages 1930-1990 (60_88879110686)
$129.95 |
Alfa Romeo Jahrbuch #2 in GERMAN (B02_37316)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Catalogue Raissonne (50_8885880037)
$499.95 |
Alfa Romeo Legends Osprey Classic Marques by Sparrow & Tipler 128 page history with numerous color photos (51_AlfaOspreyCM)
$34.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Alfasud & Alfetta GT the Complete Story by D Styles 192 page hard cover history (60_Alfa_Styles)
$49.95 |
History of Alfa Romeo by Evan Green: 112 hardbound pages published 1976 in Australia with many color illustrations (60_ARHistory_EG)
$34.95 |
Alfazioso by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 120 pages hardcover (65_36756)
$169.95 |
Alfa Romeo History by D. Owen: 80 oversized color pages, hardbound, of the Great Marques series. OUT-OF-PRINT (45_ARHistoryOwe)
$24.95 |
Alfa Romeo Tradition: 207 quality hardbound pages by the Automotive historian Grffith Borgeson emphasizing the talented and creative personalities that made the Alfa Romeo mystique - OUT OF PRINT history book (45_ARTradition)
$49.95 |
Always a Passion Alfa Romeo by D. Owen; 160 hardbound pages on all aspect of Alfa, history, racing, buying, restoring, and model evolution from pre war to 1999 (60_H628)
$59.95 |
All the Fiats covers the company history from 1899 showing all the models with technical data and many photos and sectional drawings Hardcover (70_Agnelli)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Typenhandbuch Alle Modelle von 1910 bis Heute history of Alfa from 1910 to 2002 with 310 illustrations containing technical data by J.Walz in GERMAN language (76_37320)
$23.95 |
Alfa Romeo Ninety Years of Success on Road and Track by D Owen 222 page hard cover history (50_AlfaOwen)
$59.95 |
Collecting Alfa Romeo by Keith Martin 120 pg from PreWar to current (70_140436)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Century of Innovation 100 years 136 pages hardcover (609780764340727)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo the Official Book Centenary Edition celebrating the 100 years very very large book (60_200433N)
$999.95 |
Alfa Romeo 100 years anniversary 1910-2010 history hardcover 144 pgs by Tabucchi (60_Alfa_100_Tab)
$79.95 |
Alfa Romeo 100 Years by Mailander design & Jorg Walz in GERMAN language 192 pages hardcover with 210 color & 52 bw photos (60_Alfa_Mail)
$99.95 |
1910-2010 Alfa Romeo Cento Anne di Leggenda 100 years of a legend 180 pages pocket sized 100 year history of AlfaRomeo by Alessandro Sannia in ITALIAN language (70_Alfa_Anne)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Croce e Delizia by Gianni Chizzola A deep look into the production of Alfa Romeo through the main models and the main protagonists published in 2010 156 pages hardcover in ITALIAN language (70_Alfa_Croce)
$49.95 |
CuriosAlfa 304 hardbound pages about Alfa Romeo Curios by Stefano Salvetti published in 2010 in both English & Italian fascinating book about the many unusual Alfa special one off and low production models (70_Alfa_Curio)
$129.95 |
1910-2010 History of Alfa Romeo Style Center 176 pages hardcover Un Momento per uno stile by Stefano D'Amico in ITALIAN language about the history of Alfa styling and design (80_Alfa_Stile)
$129.95 |
Tutte All the Alfa Romeos 1910-2010 864 pages on all models incl 6C 2300 8C 2900 1900 Matta Giulietta Giulia 2000 2600 Giulia Spider 33 1750 Montreal Alfasud Sprint Alfetta GT GTV GTV6 ++ (80_All_Alfa)
$499.95 |
2010 Alfa Romeo Museo Guide visitor guide for Alfa Romeo Museum 32 pages color illustrations Text in English & Italian (B10_Museo_Romeo)
$29.95 |
Museo Storico Alfa Romeo the English Catalogue at 105th Anniversary by Ardizio 224 pages Hardcover (609788879116350)
$99.95 |
1910-2016 Alfa Romeo all the cars 594 pages hardcover by Ardizio & Leonello incl 6C 2300 8C 2900 1900 Matta Giulietta Giulia 2000 2600 Giulia Spider 33 1750 Montreal Alfasud Sprint Alfetta GT GTV GTV6 ++ (79788879115902)
$44.95 |
TransAtlantic Style by D. Osborne (60_TransAltlant)
$129.95 |
Italian Coachbuilders masters of style 408 pages by Deganello covering Allemano Bertone Boano Boneschi Catangna Goggiola Colli Ellena Faina Fantuzzi Mazzanti Fissore Francis Lombardi Frua Ghia Giugiaro Maggiora Marazzi Michelotti Monterosa Moretti OSI Pininfarina RivaScaglie tti Scioneri Siata Stabilimenti Farina Touring Vignale Viotti Zagato & more coachbuiling (69788879116572A)
$299.95 |
Alfa Romeo from 1910-2020 history hardcover 360 pgs by Tabucchi (69788879116725)
$79.95 |
Alfa Romeo Tutti I Modelli Del Novecento Vol 1 & 2 Quattroroute Routeclassiche Un Secolo di Auto Itliana in ITALIAN publ all models incl 6C 2300 8C 2900 1900 Matta Giulietta Giulia 2000 2600 Giulia Spider 33 1750 Montreal Alfasud Sprint Alfetta GT GTV GTV6 & more (70_Alfa_TuttiV1)
$89.95 |
The Bertone Collection 356 pgs by Sen & Robinson (80_Bertone)
$94.95 |